When am I Most Likely to Get Pregnant?

Every woman’s menstrual cycle is unique to her. Usually, your least fertile times of the month are the first week of your period (your menstrual period starts on day 1) and around day 20 through the end of your cycle. However, this timing can vary based on your cycle length. However, if you think you…

3 Things To Know if You Are Considering Mail-Order Abortion

Are you considering abortion by mail after finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant? We understand the fears and concerns you may have right now. Before a pregnancy decision, it’s important to first understand what to expect, potential risks, and all of the options available to you. You are not alone in navigating an unexpected pregnancy. Also…

What’s the Difference Between the Abortion Pill and Plan B?

Sometimes people use the terms “the abortion pill” and “Plan B” interchangeably, but these drugs have different uses and work in very different ways. Plan B is designed for women who want to ensure they do not become pregnant, often after their method of birth control fails. The abortion pill is used when a woman…

Debunking Myths About Adoption

When you first see those two pink lines, you might be thinking, “I have no idea where to go from here.” If this is the case, know that you are not alone. Many women who find themselves experiencing an unplanned pregnancy feel like they don’t know where to begin in processing this news, much less…


WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF ULTRASOUNDS?  Ultrasounds allow pregnant women to take a peek into what is happening in their body! Ultrasound technology used for pregnancy purposes uses sound waves to produce the images of the inside of a mother’s uterus. Within the first trimester, you can see heartbeat, and as pregnancy progresses, you can begin…

What is a Doula?

Below is an interview with a local doula: “A doula is someone who is professionally trained in childbirth, who provides emotional, physical, and educational support to help women have a positive birthing experience. It’s important to know that although doulas have a wealth of information and are knowledgeable in many aspects of labor, that they…

DIY projects for your baby’s first year of life

A Women’s Pregnancy Center definitely has their fair share of crafty women that love Pinterest and DIY projects! These activities can also be super fun and memorable in your baby’s first year of life! In this blog post, we have several fun and easy ideas for new moms to use while their baby is growing. Some…

Pregnancy Diet “Dont’s”

Many soon-to-be moms think that pregnancy is “business as usual”, and they continue with their morning coffee, and perhaps a sandwich around lunch time. But did you know that caffeine, and even foods like deli meat, can cause complications in your pregnancy? In today’s post, we will be discussing the risks of certain food and beverage choices, but also alternatives in order to satisfy those cravings that you would not otherwise be able to indulge in for the next nine months! 

The Latest Techniques to Surviving Morning Sickness In 2020

Pregnancy is such a magical experience, but what isn’t a magical experience is morning sickness. Some women deal with it briefly and others deal with morning sickness the entire time. Then there’s the rumored cluster of women that never deal with morning sickness (insert eye roll here). All jokes aside, there are many rumored tips…

Size of Your Baby Each Step of Pregnancy

During pregnancy, one of the fun ways to keep track of your growing baby is comparing their size to fruits and vegetables! For this blog post, we wanted to discuss the progression of your baby’s growth in terms that everyone can understand with ease, not just medical professionals. The Beginning of Life The First Trimester (Weeks 0…

Difficult Roads often lead to Beautiful Destinations.