We know you’re going through a lot of emotions right now, and you are not alone. Abortion is a pregnancy decision that you cannot undo once complete, so it’s important to know about the procedures and the risks. If you are considering abortion, be informed about it thoroughly to make a decision. Though we do not perform or refer for abortions, we are here to help you get clarity about your options and support you along your pregnancy journey. AWPC is a great first step for information, and provides a time for your questions to be answered one on one.

what are the different types of abortion?

There are two main types of abortion: medication and surgical. Each procedure could be an option for you, depending on how far along your pregnancy is and if you’re eligible. Find out these details by receiving an ultrasound at our center today.

Medication Abortion (The Abortion Pill)

The abortion pill is used in what’s called mediation abortion. There are actually two types of drugs involved in the process. The first drug, Mifepristone causes the uterus to thin to prevent the embryo from implanting or growing. The second drug, Misoprostol causes the uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy. Only women under 10 weeks pregnant may be eligible for this type of abortion.

Surgical Abortion

During a surgical abortion, anesthesia is given and a doctor takes you through a surgical abortion process. Surgical tools are used to open the cervix and remove the fetus. There are multiple types of surgical abortions, depending on the age of pregnancy. Women tend to face side effects like cramping after this extensive abortion procedure.

What Are Abortion risks?

Each abortion procedure comes with different risks. Here are some of the most common risks of both types of abortion procedures:

Risks of Medication Abortion

  • Incomplete abortion, which may need to be followed by surgical abortion
  • An ongoing unwanted pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • Digestive system discomfort
  • Infection
  • Fever

Risks of Surgical Abortion

  • Perforation of the uterus
  • Damage to the cervix
  • Scar tissue on the uterine wall
  • Infection
  • Heavy bleeding

What Should I Do First?

Before moving forward with your pregnancy decision, you will want to confirm your pregnancy through pregnancy testing and ultrasound.

Schedule a free and confidential appointment today to confirm your pregnancy & talk more about your options.

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