We offer Free Pregnancy Testing.

  • Our Center can provide free lab-quality pregnancy testing. These tests are highly sensitive to the pregnancy hormone hCG, and can provide accurate results as early as 7-10 days following conception. If your in-house pregnancy test is positive, our staff can:
    1. Perform a limited ultrasound exam to look for both intrauterine pregnancy and fetal heartbeat (which indicates that the pregnancy is progressing). Both of these factors are important to confirm through ultrasound prior to any pregnancy decision
    2. Review all of your pregnancy options, including abortion procedures, risks and side effects. Though we do not perform or refer for abortions at our Center, we are a free first step so that you can learn more about your pregnancy options.

All of our pregnancy services are provided free of charge.

If you think you may be pregnant, these are the first essential questions to have answered before determining your pregnancy outcome:

Is my pregnancy viable?

Approximately 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. It’s important to rule out the possibility of a dangerous ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside of the uterus, most commonly in the fallopian tubes). If your pregnancy is ectopic, this would require a different procedure entirely. Our limited ultrasounds can confirm fetal heartbeat (indicating that the pregnancy is progressing) and that the pregnancy is located in the uterus.

Do I have an STI? How does this affect pregnancy?

It’s important for the health of your baby and your future reproductive health to be tested and treated. If you plan to carry your pregnancy to term, your OB will provide testing and treatment. However, if you are considering abortion and do not plan to become established with a doctor, it is important to rule out STIs prior to an abortion procedure. PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) could result if you undergo an abortion procedure while an STI is present. We can provide referrals for low-cost STI testing if you are in need of this service.


Do I need an ultrasound before an abortion?
If you are considering abortion, an ultrasound will provide helpful information that will tell you more about your pregnancy. Before a pregnancy decision, it’s important to confirm that your pregnancy is located in the uterus, and not ectopic. Additionally, an ultrasound can confirm that your pregnancy is progressing, indicated by fetal heartbeat. Both of these are important to verify prior to an abortion procedure. While we do not perform or refer for abortions, we are able to provide a free ultrasound following a positive test to confirm these factors. Speak with us today about our free and confidential ultrasound services.

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