If you think you might be pregnant, one of the most natural things to do is to start looking for signs of pregnancy. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the most common early pregnancy signs and symptoms. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, schedule medical quality pregnancy testing. All services are free and confidential.


Here are the Top 10 Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy you should watch for.

1. Late or Missed Period
2. Nausea and/or Vomiting
3. Frequent Urination
4. Spotting or Cramping
5. Unexplained Fatigue
6. Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
7. Food Cravings or Aversions
8. Increased Sense of Smell
9. Darkening of Nipples
10. Sore, Swollen, or Itchy Breasts

Having one or all of these symptoms may be an indicator of a pregnancy, but does not necessarily mean you are pregnant. Women do occasionally experience an inaccurate pregnancy test or the result may be unclear. If you have questions concerning a pregnancy test that you have taken, or think that you may be pregnant, contact us today.

When taking a pregnancy test with us, you can expect to take a test that is 99.9% accurate within 7-10 days after conception, and have your questions answered to the best of our abilities. We provide resources for local doctors, material assistance facilities, counselors in the area if you are in need of counseling services beyond what we are able to offer, safe housing if you are in a dangerous situation, and more. We will equip you with information and resources to help you process what each pregnancy option would look like, pending a positive test, and assistance to help you throughout pregnancy. If your test is negative, we are still able to spend time answering questions you might have, and if you are additionally worried about an STD exposure, we are able to provide referrals for low-cost STD testing in Tallahassee. Whether your test is positive or negative, we are here to help in any way that we can!

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