A woman considering when she's most likely to get pregnant

Every woman’s menstrual cycle is unique to her. Usually, your least fertile times of the month are the first week of your period (your menstrual period starts on day 1) and around day 20 through the end of your cycle. However, this timing can vary based on your cycle length.

However, if you think you might already be pregnant, why try to guess? A Women’s Pregnancy Center can provide a free, accurate pregnancy test so you can get answers.

How Does a Woman’s Cycle Work?

A woman’s cycle starts with the menstrual phase (when she’s bleeding), which is in the follicular phase. Then, ovulation happens. Ovulation is the monthly release of an egg from an ovary, and it is the time when a woman is most likely to get pregnant.

The next phase is the luteal phase, which lasts until a period comes again.

A woman can get pregnant about six days out of the month (the fertile window), but the likelihood is higher when she has sex leading up to ovulation.

How Do I Know When I Am in My Fertile Window?

A woman’s cycle typically lasts 28 days, but it varies from woman to woman, so your fertile window may be longer or shorter than other women.

It’s important to note that tracking your menstrual cycle to prevent pregnancy is not 100% effective. It is especially unreliable if you have irregular periods, making it difficult to track your cycle. To keep track of your cycle, you can use a calendar, pay attention to changes in your cervical mucus every day and jot them down, or use a basal thermometer to monitor your body temperature changes during ovulation.

There are also plenty of apps out there that can help you predict your ovulation window, but only one is currently FDA-approved.

What if I’ve Had Unprotected Sex and Am Not Sure What Phase of My Cycle I’m In?

If you are worried that you’re pregnant and either don’t track your period or it’s irregular, it may be time to take a pregnancy test.

Schedule a free and confidential pregnancy test appointment today at A Women’s Pregnancy Center. We’re here to help.

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