An online or at-home abortion could pose a safety riskcould potentially be unsafe due to the lack of medical oversight, receiving the wrong dosage, and potentially unregulated sources. A woman’s health is a top priority, and considering the risks of online/at-home abortion is important. Here are some important safety factors to consider when weighing medical abortion as an option.
Medical Oversight
Also called at-home abortion, online abortion is prescribed through online providers, which poses a lack of medical oversight. This means any woman who orders them is fully responsible for her health and safety. In addition to this responsibility, some women will not know all there is to look for in terms of side effects and what to do if they experience complications.
The Safety of the Drugs
Formally called medical abortion (or the abortion pill), nicknames for this abortion procedure include an online (or at-home) abortion.
Ordering pills online through unregulated or overseas pharmacies can pose a riskthreat to your safety, as some drugs may bypass FDA safeguards. Ordering the pills online in this manner does not allow a woman to ensure the legitimacy and safety of the drugs due to the absence of a medical provider. The lack of regulation can be dangerous to a woman taking them at home by herself.
Why Health Screenings Matter
A woman understanding where her health stands before any abortion is vital. Pre-existing health conditions, allergies, current medications, untreated STIs, the pregnancy’s gestational age, and whether or not the pregnancy is ectopic are important to evaluate and confirm for your health and safety prior to a medical decision of this nature.
Before any pregnancy decision, it’s important to receive proper health screenings by a medical professional in order to verify that no health conditions would increase your risk factors for the abortion pill.
An ultrasound is also necessary to confirm how far along you are and alert you to possible pregnancy complications.
Pre-Abortion Assessment
If you are considering abortion, one area that we are able to assist in is a pre-abortion assessment. Our Center is a free resource for important information regarding your pregnancy and what to expect with an abortion, including side effects and risks. We can confirm your pregnancy with a lab-quality test, provide a limited ultrasound if your test is positive (to confirm intrauterine pregnancy and fetal heartbeat), and discuss your pregnancy options in a safe and non-judgmental space. Our Center does not perform or refer for abortions, but we are here as a free first step so that you can make a fully informed choice.
Schedule a free appointment today! You are not alone.